

SubZero is a collective of artists and scientists working at the edge of the Arctic where environmental research and art meet. Our hybrid practices intervene to expand understandings and experiences of environmental change through direct participation in research, visualizing and reimagining the outputs of ecological sciences.

The collective forms a cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural collaboration, articulating and reimagining ways of communicating our relationship to the natural world. SubZero utilises and develops cutting edge technologies to help us see, hear and capture what we cannot otherwise experience or perceive. Building understanding beyond what we already know, we aim to construct deeper connections, creating impact and change to increase public awareness of crucial environmental issues.

Oulanka Research Station, October 2019 

The SubZero Collective


In February 2016 the global temperatures rose for the first time above the critical two degrees level. This is just one of the signals highlighting the urgency to respond to global environmental change and the urgency to come up with new politics, practices and imaginations. As we live in a thoroughly visual culture, different means of visualizing environmental change provide new avenues to explore.

We believe visual representations have the power to make complex eco-social dynamics understandable, to inspire and touch people, to feed imagination and to convey powerful messages from our changing environment. We wish to thank each and all of you who have been part of the Subzero experience at some point. We hope to inspire by the ideas presented here.

Thumbnail image by Riikka Marttila, Raymond Salaber & Tiina Sihto (2012) : “The future – you are cordially invited” illustrations © subzero collective